Objectives, analysis, datasets, and the distribution of deaths from flu per U.S. state.

Analysing the CDC data to estimate the resources that will be required for the next influenza season in 2018.

This is the flu deaths in 2017 over the population. The deaths in California and New York are among the highest compared to those in other states!

How about the vaccination?

Deaths rate per state and the number of children vaccinated.

Hawaii is the state with the highest number of deaths per inhabitant. 

California has vaccinated only 254 children, and New York 412, while Texas 1155, where the most of children were vaccinated.

Death downward trend and the numbers of population, deaths and vaccination.

The data shows that where the more children are vaccinated, the fewer people die from flu.

11320 children were vaccinated, and 55.672 americans died from flu in 2017.